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==> DR0.6 (May 1)

Outstanding issues before release:

-> Update release docs, READMEs, configuring, using, etc
	I'm working on this.

-> Manpages?  (someone please clue me in on how to do this)
	Anyone want to try this?  If we just get a basic shell for the man
	pages for this release, that would be a good start.

-> CLI Client update, messages, roster, status, etc...
	I'm also working on this, logging in and messages work, status
	will come for sure, not sure I'll get rosters working by the 1st.

-> ./configure; make; make install for the works
	Nick?  Can you help here?  It appears to be broken from the root
	level right now.  Also, are we going to default to a 
	/usr/local/jabber install or /usr/local install?

-> mod_basic working?
	mod_basic should offer offline messages and cross-session rosters
	if I get my way, and will save them to a spool folder somewhere.
	Its really only for testing, but almost usable.

-> Win32 client?
	Thomas is working on this, yum!

-> Testing, testing, testing!
	As always!

==> DR0.7 (May)

-> Full Manpages and Docs
-> Client Lib spec/base
-> Sample transport structure/code
-> mod_mysql?
-> Querying
-> Perl modules(structure)?

==> DR0.8 (Juneish)

-> Threading?
-> ICQ/AIM/etc transports
-> Full CLI architecture
